A4. WorldPop-PeanutButter population


Generate sample frame with GridEZ R algorithm

Skill level needed: Intermediate / Advanced with GIS skills

Sample designs supported: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

This tutorial is to be used in the rare circumstance that an existing gridded population dataset is not suitable as a sample frame, and the user has the skills to create a more accurate gridded population dataset themselves with the WorldPop-PeanutButter tool. WorldPop-PeanutButter is a web-based tool to either disaggregate population counts to grid cells from bespoke areal units, or aggregate population estimates from user-specified parameters (e.g. average number of people per building) to ~100×100 m grid cells based on Maxar/Ecopia building footprints. At the time of writing, building footprints were only publicly available for African countries.

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